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Mompreneur Methods That Work


These better business methods are precisely the ones that have allowed us to grow a blog following, build a 100k+ email list, launch three different e-commerce sites, run a profitable subscription business, produce online classes and fully provide for our family.

I steer clear of spammy sales tactics. You won’t find flashy ads on my website. Social media doesn’t have to stress me out. I’m more concerned with nurturing an authentic connection with my audience and offering value than turning them into just a number. These choices have served us well for nearly ten years – even with all the changes in technology and the rise and fall of trendy tactics.

The part I feel most proud of, though, is that I’ve been able to be an involved mom through it all.

To be a mompreneur is to find that delicate balance between motherhood and entrepreneurship and that means seeking out mom-friendly business methods and creating a plan.

So how do you go about finding those methods? And what exactly is the plan?

Lucky for you, Ryan and I have done that hard work for you :)

We’ve spent countless hours, thousands of dollars in software and education and plenty of trial and error to filter out the tried-and-true methods from the temporary tactics.

Sometimes we’ve gone it alone and that hasn’t been easy.

Looking back we’ve realized that the biggest insights in our business have always come from outside our own office … connecting with people who do similar online work, participating in a coaching program, reading books and taking classes have all helped us in finding new ways to improve what we do.

We started wondering:

Who else is starting or growing an online business that might need the encouragement, experience and insights from someone a little further ahead and how can we partner with them?!

We sent out a survey asking a few simple questions. I honestly wasn’t sure how many people would respond – my blog is not really about running a business and I didn’t know if this was a topic of interest to my readers.

It turns out, it was.

Over 500 women took the time to complete the survey and share a bit of their story.

Ryan printed off the big stack of responses and we sat in a coffee shop reading each one.

Here’s just a few:

“I want to contribute financially to my family while staying at home and being with my children. I want my creativity to be worth something!”


“There’s so much noise with selling online. I need to know how to spend my time and money on promoting and marketing.”


“I’d love to leave my full-time job and have the flexibility to be more involved with my children’s school activities.”


“We have no idea what we’re doing or where we want to take it … our sales are so inconsistent and we don’t know anyone to talk to for guidance and help.”


“My kids are getting bigger and more independent. I would like to contribute to my family’s income and be creative.”


We saw so clearly that the desire to be a successful mompreneur is strong.

The creativity, motivation and ideas are all there.

There’s a need to earn extra income.

The dream of having a flexible schedule.

What made it emotional for us was realizing these moms might never reach their goals. Chances are high if they’re doing it on their own, they’ll get so overwhelmed in the process that they give up. We so badly wanted to help!

If you feel like you’re in that middle place – you love being a mom and want to have some extra income, but don’t have aspirations of growing a massive company – I just want to sit you down and tell you GO FOR IT! Not in a hustle-y, girl boss way. Just in a Yes, do it. Work hard. Set goals. Show your kids what it looks like to use your creativity for good. Show them that you are more than just their mommy.

And don’t feel pressured into making it more than what you want.

Success doesn’t have to look just one way. You get to define what it looks like for you.

When Ryan and I sat down to record lessons for the New Mompreneur Mentorship Program, we had you in mind. We didn’t rehearse ahead of time or scheme to figure out what would be the best click-bait. We just collected the top lessons we’ve learned over the years, turned on the camera and started talking.

If we were to meet in real life over an extra-hot, decaf latte, these are the business lessons I would share with you.

There’s not a lot of hype – just solid business practices. You get to decide what things fit with your business and your goals and the speed with which to implement them. The best part is, you’ll finish with a clear plan for your business.

Introducing The New Mompreneur Mentorship Program

It’s an 8-week implementation program that will show you the mom-friendly methods you need to succeed.

You will create your own M.A.P (Mompreneur Action Plan) based on foundational business lessons applied to your unique goals and business model. Once you apply the right Mompreneur Methods to your individual M.A.P, you will have an action plan for success.

Here’s what’s included:

PART ONE: Business Basics for Busy Moms (Instant Access)

You’ll need a good starting point. Access to these lessons will help you be more productive and effective in your business (and life!).

  • The 5 Parts of Every Business
  • Setting Healthy Expectations
  • 8 Time Saving Tips That Actually Work
  • Outsourcing: Saving time and money
  • How to Know Your Numbers & Profit
  • Metrics that Matter: Vanity vs. Value
  • How To Price Your Products & Increase Order Value

PART TWO: Weekly Mompreneur Methods (One Lesson Per Week)

Each week, for 8 consecutive weeks, you’ll receive a new Mompreneur Method covering the concepts that make the biggest impact on your business. By the end of the 8 weeks, you’ll have your own M.A.P. (Mompreneur Action Plan) to follow.

Week 1: Knowing Your Audience, Clarify Your Message
Week 2: Set Yourself Apart By Telling Your Story
Week 3: Stop Renting. How To Own Your Platform
Week 4: Giving Generously To Gain Trust
Week 5: How To Build A Thriving Email List
Week 6: Growing Traffic, Attracting Your Audience
Week 7: Make More Profit Using S.M.A.R.T. Offers
Week 8: Creating Your Mompreneur Action Plan (M.A.P.)

These lessons are released weekly, but you can go at your own pace.

PART THREE: Real World Case Studies (Instant Access)

In addition, we’re showing you behind the scenes on all of our business models and giving four real-world case studies you can learn from. There are no details left uncovered. Total revenue, net profit, what mistakes we’ve made, what wins have helped us out.

Case Study One: Blogging + Affiliate Revenue + Sponsored Posts from the blog at JDC
Case Study Two: Paper Works: Recurring subscription revenue from digital goods
Case Study Three: Six figure E-commerce insights from the Goods shop at JDC
Case Study Four: Lessons from selling online courses through Simplified Classes

PART FOUR: Community Comments Inside Each Lesson

Similar to a forum discussion, each lesson has comments enabled so that you can discuss topics related to your business, ask questions and keep the conversation going with other members.

PART FIVE: One Year Of “Ask Us Anything” Email Support

As a New Mompreneur Mentorship Program member, you’ll have unlimited access to all lessons, with ONE FULL YEAR of email support.

We know it can feel lonely and confusing to do all of this on your own so we are at the ready to answer any of your questions and share any wisdom we have to offer. You are not alone!


  • bloggers
  • influencers
  • authors
  • speakers or coaches
  • e-commerce shops
  • course creators
  • freelancers
  • service-based businesses (like photography, design, consulting)
  • membership sites
  • online network marketing products

Just starting out? This is for you.

Already a few years into this? It’s for you, too.

The business lessons taught in the program and the individualized Mompreneur Action Plan is necessary for every online business. 


You will have unlimited access to all lessons. The main lessons will be released over eight weeks, but you do not need to stick to this schedule. Just take your time, watching the lessons as your schedule allows.

Update: Program Currently Closed to New Applicants. Please check back later or subscribe to the blog for future updates.