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5 days of favorite projects {day 4}

    Little known fact about me:


    I know. Crazy. How I’ve made it through my life as a project-doer without one is beyond me.

    But for today’s installment of

    favorite projects

    I needed one. So I took the kids on a little walk a couple of streets over to my fellow crafty friend’s house and borrowed hers {thanks Dee}.

    I originally did this project without a hot glue gun, but I will say that it sure makes things easier. I should really go buy my own. The Nester {one of my faves} uses hers all the time {window mistreatments, adhering a beadboard backsplash} and I’m pretty convinced that it is a worthwhile tool.  I’m sure you’re all agreeing :

    And so, let me introduce today’s project.


    I have to say that this one is not an original project. Last year I was searching for something unique to make for my sister for her birthday and came across this tutorial.  Since we’ve already established that I love book pages, this one was right up my alley.  I loved it so much, I kept it for myself and bought my sister a shirt instead. Sorry, sissy.

    I have mine hanging in my kitchen window so that I can enjoy it often:


    It is the project I received the most requests for instructions on, so here I am to deliver.

    Let me start by saying two things:

    1. This is a very photo heavy tutorial. Hope you don’t mind.

    2. This takes a LONG time to make {well, not as long as the painted wallpaper, but about 2 hours or so, which is long when you’ve got little boys wandering around the house bored out of their minds and you are doing everything you can to just finish the project already.

    You are warned.

    Shall we get started?

    Here is what you’ll need:


    :: styrofoam wreath form {mine is 10″}

    :: book {I’ve found that thin pages {as used in my first wreath} work better than thicker pages {as used here} – think text weight paper vs. cardstock}

    :: glue gun & glue sticks

    STEP ONE: tear out the pages



    STEP TWO: bend the page



    Bend & roll into a shape similar to shown above.


    I like the ripped out edge to show {it gives it that pretty ruffly look}.

    STEP THREE: attach the back layer to the wreath form



    STEP FOUR: glue down the layers



    Or you could go this route and add glue to the middle of the folds before you attach to the wreath.





    Keep going all the way around the wreath until you get this:


    Flip it over to continue.


    STEP FIVE: attach the next layer






    figure out how long you want the paper to be {so that it is about equal with the layer behind}




    glue & attach.


    Add a line of glue and glue down the extra paper.



    Here’s what you’ll have:


    STEP SIX: fold up and attach bottom layer




    STEP SEVEN: attach the next layer




    figure out length


    glue & attach


    and you’ll have this:


    STEP EIGHT: attach the next layer




    and you’ll have this:


    STEP NINE: attach the next layer


    This time, the page will be attached to the inside perimeter of the wreath and the extra end of the page will be folded & glued under.


    almost there!


    STEP TEN: fill in the holes


    Where there are spaces, add in another page. Use the same folding/bending technique, cut off the end


    give it a little fold, add some glue


    and press into hole.


    Keep adding more until your wreath is full & fluffy.

    STEP ELEVEN: add a ribbon to hang

    You’ll need:

    :: scissors

    :: ribbon

    :: pins


    bend the ribbon into a loop & cut


    attach to the back of the wreath using the straight pins



    And it is done!


    I . love . it

    Here are some other gorgeous options:image






    I have a feeling there will be a lot of books destroyed to create these beauties :


    Come back tomorrow for our final project of the week.

    79 thoughts on “5 days of favorite projects {day 4}”

    1. If you don’t want to tear up an old book books of sheet music are inexpensive and can usually be found at yard sales or on freecycle. Thanks to my son I have hundreds of pages of sheet music in the garage.

    2. This was the perfect project for my grandfather’s old latin book from high school. The book itself was not in very good condition, but this was a perfect way to preserve what was left and enjoy it. I love the old pages, some of which have his handwriting on it. It was a fun and easy project and relatively quick! Thanks for the great directions and pictures.

    3. I also love your blog and your great ideas. My daughter Sara has used manynf your ideas in her house i including the stencil for walls which is great going down her staircase.
      I am wondering about the welcome fall wreath. Did you cover the base with newspapers and then added the rolls? Are they all wrapped in jute like ties? Great ideas for young Moms who don’t want to spend too much money ! Thank you !

    4. I will be making this paper wreath very soon. It look like something I can handle. My sister loves to read so I’ll probably make one for her too. Thank you for the easy to follow tutorial to use. I hope I find more of your great ideas to make. Thanks again!!

    5. This looks like a fun project. I have quite a few books that 1) I’ll never read again and 2) the pages have begun to fall out because of poor quality binding. Great Project!

    6. Just finished mine last night- this is the most gorgeous thing I have ever made. I’m so proud! You are a genius! I love, love, love, your unique ideas!

    7. Ok…it looks nice! BUT destroys books… though why tear one up for this? use the ones the kids already read, re read and re re read to shreds! and use them to do the folding, instead of boring themselves to death. Helping mommy is something most kids like to do.

    8. Stephanie who loves you in Texas!

      Ok, long time follower, first time commenter. Love this wreath. Have made one for my home and one for my cubical at work. So easy and so eco friendly. I went to Goodwill and bought 2 books for $0.99. Had a coupon at Michael’s arts and crafts and the foam wreath was $2.50. Couple of glue sticks later and voila…a fab wreath! Thank you so much for sharing your love of home and creativity with the world!

    9. You are incredible. I stumbled upon your page through a friend’s Facebook link and in just two minutes you have inspired my future wedding. Thank you for sharing your gifts with us.

    10. I just have to say whenever I get the crafting urge I come to your site for ideas! I made this wreath this last Christmas and have gotten tons of compliments! It took me about two hours, but was SO much fun and looks beautiful. It currently resides at the top center of two large windows in our living room, thank you for this tutorial!

    11. This was so much fun! I made the wreath for my book loving sis with a snarky note “I hated this book so I gave it to you” … she thought it was hysterical and loved the wreath. Love all your tutorials – I am using the nonna wreaths as decorations at my wedding, and my daughters (the junior bridesmaids will be wearing the satin flower pins in their hair – ADORABLE!!! Thank you!!!!!

    12. I love this project! It’s beautiful! Just to be clear, are there five layers total? (One on back and four on front?

    13. I found your amazing website, then asked a friend for the tutorial she used to make her page wreath, and…BAM! She used the very tutorial I was looking at-YOURS!
      I love everything I see, and am your newest fan! THANKS!
      (Oh, fellow mother of almost 4 =)

    14. Just finished the wreath and I LOVE IT!! Thank you so much for posting–it looks so pretty! Can’t wait to try your other tutorials!

    15. love it! it’s only 6:15, i’m gonna run to the gym, and try to conquer this one before i zonk out tonite…. my sis and i are gonna make your spring wreath next weekend…. thanks for the tutorials, couldn’t do it without them!!

    16. Just what I was looking for (but didn’t know it) for a dear friend’s upcoming birthday gift. She’s a bibliophile who will both LOVE the ide and CRINGE at it. Perfect!

    17. I’m getting ready to make mine and am thinking through some logistics. About what size book did you use (like page size) and approximately how many pages did it take?

    18. I love this wreath! I’m getting ready to make mine and was just thinking through some logistics. What size book did you use and approximately how many pages did you use?

    19. I made mine today!! I absolutely love it. Even my husband thinks it is pretty cool. My biggest problem is deciding where to hang it.

    20. I just bought the wreath and an old book from the “DI” I will be making it tomorrow. Im really excited to see how it turns out! thank you so much for your are so amazing!

    21. Thanks so much for this tutorial! I made mine yesterday and I love it!!! Love your house and everything else you share. You are an inspiration!

    22. I am obsessed book pages. I made flowers with pages from an old french dictionary and old parisian pocket maps. I fashioned them into napkin rings and pinned them on lamp shades.

    23. I made this wreath today! I love it. The only thing I would change is the size of the book I used. It worked but I like a little more foo-foo! Thanks for all the great ideas.

    24. Amazing!!! I love this because there is no sewing involved and also because I am in love with all things “book”, this is perfection. Thanks so much, Emily, for all of your effort.

    25. I am thankful for your detailed tutorials. You don’t leave room for questions; everything is covered. Thanks so much!
      Like I said, I used to own a book store so I will never want for pages. LOL Enjoy a wonderful weekend.

    26. Love this! I have one made and hanging in my living room, but that picture of the rolled pages is calling me. I might have to make one of those too. As if I don’t have enough projects all ready!

    27. My husband just found your site and forwarded it to me because we share the SAME name ;) I mean, shocking, right? What an unusual name we married into :) I don’t own a glue gun either and I LOVE crafts so I’m excited to look around and explore your beautiful site!! Way to keep our name classy ;)

    28. Okay-I am loving your blog….but is there anywhere to sign up as a follower? oh-I’m at work-I’ll bet it is blocked here..will check when I get home. I need to go back now and read everything at a more leisurely pace. Great job here! Diana

    29. ooooo…..Love this one too! Oh my goodness, where to start. I am suddenly feeling like I need to stay home from work today and spend the day making things! lol! I was actually late for work today because I stopped by the goodwill to look for old books. Not a whole lot of options there, May have to hit the antique store on my way home!

      Thanks again for sharing!

    30. I’ve been wanting to make one of these for awhile now, but hadn’t found a good tutorial. Thank you so much – love all the pictures! Now, to find a book I’m willing to sacrifice…

    31. i’m posting all over your blog since i just found you today! wanted to let you know that i got my glue gun at the dollar tree (looks exactly like the one your borrowed from your friend). can’t beat that…you most def. need one! i do prefer glue sticks from the craft store though.

    32. hey friend! i did this same book page wreath last year and love it! i get so many complements on it! i think i will be doing it for craft night! cant wait to see what ya got for tomorrow!

    33. I found your site for the first time today and I am addicted and totally in love! In full disclosure, I should have woken my little one up 15 minutes ago, but I can’t stop looking through all your amazing posts! Thanks to you I’m feeling SO inspired today :)

      1. It’s easier and cheaper in the long run, to just buy a new glue gun. I have lots of guns I’ll give you if you can find the sticks.

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