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How to Write on a Chalkboard Using 4 Easy Chalk Options

    Chalk art is everywhere. And it’s lovely.

    Chalkboards, too. Whether a framed diy chalkboard or an entire painted wall, it’s one of the simplest and least expensive ways to add a pop of graphic style to your home.

    But have you ever tried to write on your own chalkboard and couldn’t quite get your lettering to look crisp? Me too.

    Until I discovered a few new options for writing with chalk.

    The four basic options are 1. a chalk pencil, 2. a mechanical chalk pencil, 3. a chalk marker, and 4. just plain chalk by itself.

    In this post I’ll outline each option and share what I use to write fancy lettering and calligraphy on my own chalkboard.

    4 great options for writing on a chalkboard

    4 chalk pen and pencil options

    You can see the difference in tip size for each of the chalk options … which obviously makes a big difference in the width you will get in your lettering.

    Here’s an example:

    chalk writing styles

    (Ugh! I misspelled continually. That’s what I get for trying to do this and occupy four kids and a puppy at the same time)

    CHALK TYPE ONE: chalk pencil by Fons and Porter (available here)

    chalk pencil

    These pencils are used for sewing – making little marks on fabric for seam allowances or appliques and can be removed from fabric with a damp cloth. They are not intended for chalkboard use, but from my experience, they work well. The chalk does not smudge which makes it nice when doing small details. It does require a damp cloth to remove and may leave a faint line on your chalkboard from the oil in the pencil.

    CHALK TYPE TWO: mechanical chalk pencil (available here)

    mechanical chalk pencil

    My favorite of all the options, this red cartridge with refillable chalk is also meant for sewing, but it works perfectly on a chalkboard surface. The chalk is very skinny which makes for clean lines. If you are going for a bolder look, it will take a bit more filling in than regular-size chalk. Can be wiped away with a dry cloth. Allows you to write neatly on a chalkboard.

    CHALK OPTION THREE: chalk marker (available here)

    chalk marker

    The chalk marker is a great option if you want bold and smooth letters that won’t be smudged. It does not have the beloved chalky look, but it is very easy to write with. This one takes a bit of effort to remove – especially on textured walls painted with chalkboard paint (lesson learned the hard way when Ryan and I had a brainstorming session all over the chalkboard wall in my office and they only way to fully erase it was to repaint it).

    CHALK OPTION FOUR: regular chalk (available here)


    To tell you the truth, this is what I use the majority of the time just because it is easy and I keep a stick in our kitchen junk drawer.  It works well for larger words/images, but it’s hard to get a nice fine point. If you love the look of regular chalk but want a thinner line, go with the mechanical chalk pencil.

    So there you have it. How to write on a chalkboard.

    P.S. There are so many different styles you can try out … I use a technique I affectionately call fake calligraphy. It makes everyone’s writing look fancy. You can learn how right here.

    51 thoughts on “How to Write on a Chalkboard Using 4 Easy Chalk Options”

    1. Hello! Great post & very informative. I’m wondering if anyone has tried using a liquid chalk marker on a porous chalkboard surface (like chalkboard paint on a wall) but “seasoned” the chalk surface first? For those not familiar seasoning a chalkboard simply involves rubbing the flat side of chalk on a new board till the tiny holes are storages with chalk then erasing. Apparently when you write on it & want to erase after that it works great & doesn’t leave ghost marks. I’m still unsure of whether this will work with a chalk marker on a porous surface though. Any ideas/experiences? Thanks!

      1. I can’t find a date on this post or your comment (on mobile), but if it’s not too late I can say that I have. It still shows fairly after cleaning marker off a seasoned board, and you will also have to reseason every time you erase something since you need a damp cloth to get it off, which ruins the seasoning.

    2. Hi there, Love the tips and suggestions. I just used a 4pk Neon Liquid Chalk Markers on a black board sign, is there a way to seal it permanently on the Black board. I use the sign daily and in case it rains I don’t want to have to redo it again. It came out so nice. Any suggest ions or advice?

      Thank you!

    3. I have a June 2015 wedding coming up and I am anxious to start doing the signs with chalkboards. How early can I begin making these? How long will they last if kept in my basement and sprayed with hairspray?

    4. Does anyone know if there’s a way to write a permanent message on a chalk board sticker/ label; A way to write on it without it coming off or if there are any labels that look like chalkboard but can be printed with regular ink?

      1. Yes. If I want the chalk pen look, but want it to stay I use permanent acrylic pain pens. Sharpie kind works great. Use water based.

    5. I loved this post! And I actually purchased the mechanical chalk pencil. The first stick of chalk worked wonders. When it ran out, I turned to the replacement pack. All of those sticks seemed waxy and ended up being way more difficult to write with. Any suggestions?

      1. You don’t angle the chalk, you “fake” the look. Google “faux calligraphy” if you get a chance, but put simply you draw a second line out from the base letter in areas where the letter would be thicker, then colour in the area between this line and the base letter.

    6. Fyi – I used regular chalk to make a sign for my sister’s wedding recently. In a moment of desperation (an hour before the ceremony and I couldn’t get the letters to look right!) I stuck that piece of chalk in a little pencil sharpener to make a fine point. It worked fantastic! You’ll need to sharpen slowly so you don’t crush the whole chalk stick, but it makes a nice semi-fine point. Hope this helps someone!

    7. Our home is up for sale and want to write something on our framed chalkboard near kitchen. Want a positive saying that potential buyers will see when we show the house. Any creative ideas?

      1. When we sold our home on my chalkboard I decorated it real cute … drew a house for sale and made it super cute … I wrote, Chalk Board for Sale $390,000 Home comes free with purchase. Everyone got a kick out of it. :) . Note: when it sold I took the chalkboard with me hehe

    8. Thank you!! I just painted a tree slice with chalkboard paint and had purchased the chalkboard markers for it but got nervous when it said it was for non-porous surfaces. Your post comparing the different types of chalk was so helpful. I’ll be saving the markers for another project (chalkboard labels, maybe?) and just ordered the mechanical chalkboard pencils from Amazon. Going now to check out your “fake calligraphy” post.

    9. I know this is an old post but thought I ‘d toss in some feedback.

      I often times dip the tips of my chalk sticks in water and they make the cleanest lines. Sometimes I roll the sticks with a baby wipe and they work like a charm to get those tight clean edges, but it doesn’t show up right away….but after a minute the white comes through very vibrantly.

    10. Thanks for the tips. I had never thought of using my Tailor chalk pencil and i ordered ur mechanical pencil suggestion. Ur link to amazon is best deal and free ship

    11. I also use the chalk markers because I love the bright neon colors they come in. I use it on chalk board vinyl that I have on my fridge and the only way to get it completely off is to use the magic eraser sponge. Comes perfectly clean!! Great post I will have to check out the pencils!

    12. this is an old post, but i just discovered your blog and was scrolling through it.

      Magic Erasers erase chalk pen! i make a chalkboard calendar with paint pens and used chalk pens for the dates and appointments that i didn’t want my kids to erase too easily. When a new month rolled around it was time to wipe the board but the they didn’t wipe up fully until i used my magic eraser! it was just like a freshly painted chalkboard!

    13. Your calligraphy is wonderful, fake or not! I just posted about a chalkboard wall I saw in San Diego. It inspired me to try my hand at lettering, and chalk. I’m going to pick up one of those mechanical chalk pencils in the next couple of days now. Thanks for showing all the options out there! Happy Friday!

    14. I was just asking my friend about what kind of chalk to use for my kids joint birthday party! Perfect timing! Bought myself some new chalk! Thank you!!!

    15. I just sharpen my regular white chalk with a pencil sharpener- gives me a (Somewhat) sharp point for quick writing : ) Thanks for all the beautiful inspiration on your blog! Wish I had your naturally beautiful handwriting!!

    16. You’re awesome for posting this! I just KNEW there were better chalk options out there somewhere!. I love writing creatively on my chalkboard wall & the traditional chalk just aint cutting it.

    17. This is perfect timing. I was writing a verse on a small board in my kitchen last night thinking there HAD to be another way!

    18. Your handwriting (fake calligraphy or not) is beautiful! I am leaning toward the mechanical pencil but am sure I won’t come close to your creations! Thanks for sharing with us…

    19. I just painted a chalkboard wall in our kitchen and made the mistake of using a chalk pen and was wondering if I could repaint over it–glad I’m not the only one who’s done this!

    20. Ah! Thank you for this reference! I, too, learned the hard way when it comes to those chalk markers! I love them for events (particularly if I’m transporting the chalkboards) but it’s good to know going into it that it’ll need to be repainted.

    21. They have chalk pencils in the drawing section of the craft store too. I had a couple in my stash from art school and it never dawned on me to use them until a few months ago!

      Also — for a bit of color you can use oil pastels! Takes some effort to remove but I love the pop of color!

    22. Thank you for this post! I am painting a whole wall in my kitchen with chalkboard paint in my new house and have been curious about a chalk pencil. Will look into the mechanical chalk pencil.

    23. I love to know there are more chalk pen options out there! Thanks for this post. Also–“continually” is misspelled in your picture above. Just thought you’d like to know.;)

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