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the beauty of white bedding

    My best decorating advice is this: start with neutral foundational pieces and then add accessories that can be easily switched out when you feel like you need a change. This happens almost each season for me and because all of our main pieces are neutral (like our sofa, our bed, our wall colors) I can change pillows or sheets or artwork and have our home reflect a trend or favorite fabric or season without spending a ton of money.


    One of my favorite neutral pieces is white bedding – in particular, a big, fluffy, down-filled duvet cover. There is just something so crisp and peaceful about white bedding (no wonder most fine hotels stick to white!) and even though it may require more washing, it’s totally worth it.


    Our bed currently wears inexpensive sheets in a tiny geometric pattern, a textural gray quilt with matching sham and a new gray-bordered duvet cover and sham courtesy of Crane & Canopy.


    The neutral cover allows for various patterns and textures with sheets, quilts and shams that can be changed out for completely different looks. We use striped flannel sheets in the winter, solid white sheets in the summer and play with colorful throws or decorative pillows just to add a punch when it feels right.


    I seriously love my bed. The linens are smooth and soft and don’t get too wrinkly after a good night’s sleep (or hour of emailing!). It feels fluffy and peaceful and calming.

    Audrey’s a big fan of our bed, too.


    She should love her own because up there in her still-not-finished bedroom she has a new white duvet as well (also courtesy of Crane & Canopy).


    I ordered her this gold dot/stripe cover and sham which is super cute and we’ll keep using it from time to time, but Audrey is particularly pleased with the girly ruching of this white duvet set. With patterned sheets and a few colorful pillows and blankets, her bed is cozy and pretty.


    The simplicity of a bed clothed in white is just what we need at the end of a full day.

    Thank you to Crane & Canopy for sending us these beautiful linens. They really are high end quality for affordable prices and there are many different styles to choose from (and not only white, if you’re not a white-bedding-type-of-girl).  If you are in the market for fresh bedding, check them out here.

    39 thoughts on “the beauty of white bedding”

    1. Hi can you please tell me the name of the silver bedside lamp? And where you got it? I’ve been looking for one just the same!

    2. Hi Emily,
      Could you please tell me what brand of comforters you use and what is the lifespan. I do not have good luck with comforters and am looking for suggestions.
      As always, your ideas are timeless!!!

      1. The one we have on our bed we received for our wedding from Macy’s.

        Pacific Down is a great brand. There are so many variations that are personal choices, so you’ll have to just feel them and try them and see what works best for you!

    3. Hi Emily,
      Did you happen to purchase the comforter inserts from Crane and Canopy along with the duvet cover? If so, did you get the goose down comforter or cotton luxe down alternative, and does it keep you warm?
      Thanks for your help!

    4. I love white bedding! We also do white bath towels. Part of it is that I absorb blue dyes (haven’t ever met someone like me yet!) and I change the color of all sheets and towels that touch my skin. We’ll always be a white bedding house, but it does mean so much more versatility in the decor. ;)

    5. Love, love, love your puffy, comfy-looking bed. I also love the scripture you have hanging above Audrey’s bed. What Bible version is that? I really like the way it is worded but I couldn’t seem to find the right version.

    6. Its all beautiful! I have never seen anyone put the duvet/comforter on top of the quilt before. We all put the quilt on top where I am from. I wonder if that is a regional thing? Anywho… beautiful rooms. ;)

    7. I LOVE your room! I also am a fan of white linen. I have two white doona covers and love them to bits. I’ve been looking for a new wall colour and find inspiration in yours. thanks for such a gorgeous post.

    8. Love, love, love your bed and linens. I do all white with accent pillows as well. I bleach the whites and we really haven’t had any issues. I prefer white so that I can bleach them as I find colours don’t hold up to my husband or kids. :)

      For those asking Martha Stewart has a bed in her line that looks very similar.

    9. This may sound like a strange request, but could you do a tutorial on how you make your beds? I love the look of it in Audrey’s room. I blame growing up with just my dad for not knowing how to do girly things, like how to properly make a bed and make it look pretty :) I think if I knew how to do it, I’d actually do it

    10. Is Atlas allowed on your bed? We have a black lab/retriever mix that doesn’t always sleep on the bed, but she gets up there enough to leave fur behind. I’d love white bedding but don’t know how it would work out with a dog. Same with light colored sofas and chairs. How do you deal with dog fur?

      1. no way, jose! No furniture for this pup. He is a labradoodle and sheds less than a lab, but we do still find his fur all over. As long as we keep him pretty short, it’s manageable.

      1. Sure! The bed is from the Restoration Hardware outlet store about eight years ago. It is a pretty classic style and I believe Potterybarn still sells a similar style.

    11. Can you share the wall color?I love this contrast of the dark and white. So crisp and inviting. thanks for sharing.

    12. Ok, I have a question to ask… how do you keep your white bedding so incredible white? I admit I simply adore white bedding but have given into defeat as I simply can not keep it from becoming dingy. We do suffer from hard well water. yes we have a water softener and our washing machine is front loading. I know not to use chlorine based bleaches because of the reaction between it and hard water. Any suggestions? The other issue we run into is my husband sweats moderately in his sleep which turns the whitest of whites an odd orangish yellow. I greatly appreciate ALL and ANY advice you have to offer! signed desperately missing white linens

      1. I am not the very best at keeping my whites super white. Eventually, they dull and it’s just time for replacing. I suppose that’s why I don’t spend tons on linens or towels. I do use OxyClean and color safe bleach and hot water – which seem to do the trick.

    13. We have just recently moved to the States and needed to buy pretty much everything from scratch. The neutral foundation was our starting point too. I’m in love with some of our white bedding. We even got some from Target which looks incredible despite being dirt cheap! Think this is a great idea for all homes.

    14. I love white bedding, and I especially love your room. I like how there is no clutter on the walls and everything flows really well witht he color you picked out. Good job!

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