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adding to the wall of l’s

    It has become my favorite spot in our house … affectionately called the wall of l’s.

    {Sometimes people ask why I have a bunch of L’s in our house. My answer: our last name starts with an L. Jones is actually my maiden name.}

    Over the summer, I continued collecting letters to fill in the wall completely. Previously, it ended about 2/3 down. I’m a fan of floor to ceiling art galleries, and since I already had 15 pieces on the wall, what was 8 more? Ryan thinks its a little out of control. I find it to be amazing.


    By using a combination of frames, papers, styles and textures, this collection is completely unique and adds a ton of personality to this wall. Keeping everything in my favorite neutral color palette of black, white, gray, gold and warm wood allows the collection to work together as one piece.Ā  Many of the letters I made, others were purchased. None were more than $20. If you’re curious about the original individual letters, I shared a little bit more detail on this original l wall post.


    My most recent additions are these bottom letters. From left to right:

    // chalkboard paint on a piece of scrap wood. I was inspired byĀ this fun font for the letter.
    // watercolor in an ikea frame. This quick projectĀ inspired these little watercolor alphabet letters.
    // old brass stencil purchased from ebay
    // L drawn in pen on a piece of floral paper in an old frame
    // washi tape overlapping on a piece of sheet music. The scallop frame is super old from ikea.
    // metal L from urban outfitters
    // my dream wallpaper {just a sample} cut into shape and taped to linen in a frame.

    There is one more new L up at the very top that I bought on ebay as well and then glued to a canvas covered in this paper placemat.

    If you are collecting letters for a wall in your home, try searching on ebay or etsy. There are tons of cool vintage letters that you can get fairly inexpensively. The home improvement store {look in the mailbox section} and craft store are always good resources and don’t forget to try unconventional materials {like buttons, string, thumbtacks} to come up with a few of your own. And, of course, stores like anthropologie and restoration hardware always have nice {but more expensive} options.


    My beloved wall of l’s is a bit crazy, I admit.

    But sometimes crazy is good.

    33 thoughts on “adding to the wall of l’s”

    1. Can you tell me what’s on the wall where the piano is? I just found your blog today and I’ve searched around, but can’t seem to find out what is on the wall where the piano is in the final picture in this post. Love your home, by the way! Thanks so much for sharing!

    2. Looks terrific! We had a wall of ‘R’s for years in our hallway. I loved it but I don’t think anyone else did. I feel very justified in my design after seeing your fabulous wall. :) We took them down to paint this summer and I haven’t decided if they’re going back up or not.

    3. I love it! Good thing my last name begins with a “B”. You “L’s” are safe :) What is that hanging from your shelf in the dining room? I just inherited my grandma’s china cabinet and I would love to adorn it!

    4. i noticed you trimmed out your doorways with the thick white trim and cut down the barn door track -looks great!! love! it really adds some great bulk and character to those doorways. : )

      1. Good eyes! We did add trim to the openings and it makes it feel so much cleaner and finished. It also meant we had to cut down the barn door track, but it was fine because we really don’t use it functionally – more just for looks.

    5. This is so cute! I love monograms as well, but have them scattered through the house rather than in one place. I think I’m going to find a wall and group them after seeing this! Nice work once again! :)

      Can you do an updated home tour so we can see your latest decor? I feel like its been awhile! Only saying this because you inspire me!

      Thank you!
      Nicole B

      1. YES! I just finished taking photos for a fall home tour next week. There are still rooms I have not photographed because they are so far from being photo ready – but someday those will come.

    6. love love love this! first saw your wall on Pintertest. so glad to know the mastermind behind it! kind of recreating this in our home with “c”s and other odds and ends added.

    7. I love this!!! So creative and a special way to show how proud you are of your last name. I would love to do that. Thanks for sharing!

    8. I like your wall of ls. I am thinking of making my own chalkboard letter to hang only I will have a wall of p. Hehehe : ).

      I’m reminded of my now grown son who when he came home from kindergarten one day, when I asked him what he did in school he answered, “We painted purple ps.” Puzzled, I asked, “You painted purple peas?” And he answered, “Yeah, little round green things.” Actually, they painted the letter p with purple paint to help them learn the letter. Even at 5 years old he understood the humor in the activity.

      Thanks for sharing and I’ll have to check your original ‘wall of ls’ post!

    9. I’m a firm believer that more is simply mmm, mmm, more, so your L wall is FABULOUS! If you ever decide to add any more L’s to your collection, here’s a suggestion…Have you seen the prints with a word spelled out, and each letter of the word is a picture of a random item in the shape of the letter? Nowadays, cell phones make it so easy to capture just about everything.

    10. okay… I don’t mean to *gush*… but I’m going to. You have become one of my all-time favorite bloggers ever & I’m SO glad to have found you! That’s a big compliment as I follow SEVERAL really amazing blogs!

      Perhaps it’s that I’m a self-trained graphic artist [adobe illustrator] as well and my name starts with “L” – hello “L” wall!, but I think it’s your style, and grace and taste. You are sensational. Thanks!

    11. I love how this hides the thermostat & light switch. Do you find though that you are forever having to straighten the pictures, especially the ones down low? I know my kids seem to bounce off the walls around here!

    12. I adore this! My new last name starts with an L too and I’ve been looking for a fun way to incorporate the letters into our home. I may just have to do a variation of your wall. Thanks for the inspiration!

    13. We are in the process of redoing my 11 year olds room and she was wondering why I keep buying Ks. I told her we were going to do a wall of Ks and she is so excited. It’s been a fun way for her to help in the process because she can paint them fun colors while I do other projects in the room.

      1. That is such a cute idea! I bet she will feel that much more attached and proud of her room too, knowing she helped create it.

        I want to make a wall of Ls mixed in with photographs. Both my husband and I are named Lauren, so it fits. :)

    14. I absolutely L-L-L-Love this wall! We are in a housing transition right now, aka itty-bitty rental house, waiting for the just right forever house to show itself to us. This post and all of your other house decorating is inspiring and gives me hope to think about what is to come for me someday soon I hope!!! Thank you for your continued inspiring ideas and attitude through your posts. :)

    15. Love it! I am really into monograms right now, maybe I’ll do a wall of Bs. On another note, I read your married last name for the first time in BH&G this month – and it’s the coolest last name ever! Just thought I’d tell you, ha!

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