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merry christmas

    So here we are : just one week until Christmas. It seems like the lead up takes forever, and then suddenly it is upon us.

    My babes are nearly out of school and we are looking forward to a nice Christmas vacation spent with family, hopefully some snow and lots and lots of treats.

    I am not quite finished with gift-shopping, gift-making or gift-wrapping. Hopefully this will be a very productive week!


    I’m hoping to make a version of this sweet blankie for my baby doll loving niece.  And probably some miniature burp cloths too.

    zig zag


    The boys’ teachers are receiving personalized mugs that we made using this tutorial and my favorite fancy font. They turned out so great and were really quite simple to make.


    zig zag

    I have a few more batches of the yummiest sea salt caramels to make {and consume}.


    zig zag

    I’d like to wrap my gifts like this:


    {diy printables from armommy}

    and this:


    {colorful monograms from martha stewart}

    and maybe do a few with melted flowers and rolled fabric for embellishment like this:


    {via prettypetals}

    zig zag

    I think this is such a clever way to create a time capsule and we’ll be doing this project when the kids are out of school.


    zig zag

    I’m putting the finishing touches on the January collection for JDC | Monthly. If you are already a member, you will receive your january link on the 22nd.

    If you’d like to start your new year out in an organized {and pretty} fashion, JDC | monthly is a great way to do it. You can learn more here.

    zig zag

    I purchased this adorable nutcracker puppet theatre and need to have the boys help me assemble {and play}.


    Sara Jane Studios has a really great Nativity paper doll set and coloring pages too.


    zig zag

    I love this time of year and am trying to cherish each moment with our little ones.  But I’ve got to be honest and say that amidst the projects, the shopping, the entertaining and busyness of the holiday season, my kids have not been my top priority.   It is time for me to take a break from my computer and spend a little more time just being a mommy.  So I’m going to hop off of the blog for a week or two, close my office doors and take this Christmas vacation to hang out with the family, indulge my creative side and let my babes know how important they are to me.

    May you have a joy-filled Christmas with your loved ones.

    our family

    34 thoughts on “merry christmas”

    1. You are a mind reader. From the projects to the thoughts about our fleeting time with our children, you have somehow communicated all that I am feeling. Thanks for all the magic. I find myself coming back to JDC again and again, wondering – how would Emily do this? Loving JDC monthly.
      Merry Christmas to you and your family.

    2. Emily- I have been enjoying your blog for about 2 years now. You are a fantastic blogger, wife, mom & business woman. You do everthing with such grace & style. Enjoy your holiday with those cuties.

    3. I also did the monogrammed mugs this Christmas!!!! I did travel mugs for my best friend! (found them at tj maxx!) love the tutorial! And how it looked in the end! Can’t wait for her to open it!!! (my mom is also getting one with a coffee gift card!) Love your blog! Have a Merry Christmas! Enjoy your kids and family!

    4. what a great family photo!!! love it!
      this whole post is great. i love all the ideas and info. oh and cant wait for those january printables. I have had so much fun with the december christmas ones!

    5. Well Miss E, you have NO idea how much you just made my DAY!!! First the mug idea… well I’ve been dying to figure out how to do that!! And second, the caramel recipe!? LOVE!! Thank you sweet thing… Merry Christmas!

    6. Thank you for the salted caramel recipe! I’m going to see if I can get some made before Christmas gets here, they are so yummy! Good for you for taking a little break! The holidays are a perfect time to relax and have family time. Merry Christmas!

    7. Merriest & Warm Christmas Wishes to you and your beautiful family… Thank you for all your ideas and inspiration

      Hugs & Blessings
      Rosanne & Family

    8. Merry Christmas Emily!! Enjoy your time – i totally understand the need to do just what you are doing — so enjoy embrace and may you be so blessed!!

      I am looking forward to more monthly printables i so enjoy using them! I am using Demembers art print as a scapbook page – the art prints are great for that!


    9. A lovely post! Merry Christmas to you and your family – I’ll admit it myself, kids are out of school Wednesday and up until that point, it’s been work, trying to purchase gifts here and there, decorating….So busy. And I am like you – once the kiddos are out for the Christmas Break, it will be about them, family, creating with the kids and making sure that this Holiday is the best – for them! Again, happy Christmas and thank you for the links! I am off to see about that Nativity……

    10. You deserve a break, and much more for all the inspiration you give. I wish we could give it back to you. I cannot imagine your babes not being your top priority. I know that is how we feel sometimes, but that littl;e guilty feeling only means you are a superb mom who is devoted and wants to give more of yourslef. Your kids are very lucky to have a loving mother such as yourself. Enjoy your family and this wonderful time of the year! We will miss you while you are gone, and eagerly await your return with many many new tips and idea! :-) Merry Christmas!

    11. What a beautiful post! It has re-inspired me to keep going. I did massive wrapping yesterday and was just exhausted by “Christmas” this morning. Now, I’m ready to dive back in and enjoy it. :)

    12. enjoy your break! and when you feel the urge to log on… just close that computer… knowing that we may miss you when you are not here, but we won’t miss a beat when you are back! ENJOY!!!!!!

      Merry Christmas, sweet friend

    13. I love the mugs idea! That is a great gift for a teacher, or anyone, who might drink coffee at thier desk everyday. I cant believe Christmas is 1 week away, I will have to save this idea for next year ;)

    14. I absolutely love the time capsule idea, so cute and clever. Love the mugs with the letters on it too. The wrapping on pretty petals is too pretty to unwrap! I feel like you are either into extravagant wrapping or your not, I’m not. I like the look, but find it hard to spend so much time, materials and money on wrapping. Love your family picture too, it’s adorable that the kids are all off doing what kids do, very real and sweet!

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