Meet Matilda.

The world’s cutest {almost} two year old. She is a spunky little thing who is such a girl. One of my favorite things about her is her love of shoes.
Her birthday is in just a few days and I have found the perfect gift for her
{Rae : stop reading if you don’t want to see what we’re giving your baby}

Birdie’s Big Girl Shoes is a darling story book with GORGEOUS illustrated by the talented Sujean Rim. It is right up there on my list of most delightful {and pretty} children’s books. And just the right thing for a little girl with a shoe obsession.

Such a cute illustration. I sort of want to frame it and put it in Audrey’s room.

When Ryan saw this picture he said the mom reminded him of me. I’m totally flattered because that mommy has some sexy legs!
So I bought the book and was inspired to make a little something extra for the birthday girl.

How about a tutorial?

Here is what you’ll need:
:: t-shirt {I bought this one from Target – Audrey has it too and I love it}
:: fabric {for the shoe and for the flower}
:: image {or a book with an image you want to copy}
:: scissors, pins, needle & thread
:: sewing machine
:: tulle & beads {optional, for the flower}
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