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the laundry room is finished

    My once boring laundry room is now a bright and organized space that I can’t wait to show you.

    If you’ve miss any laundry room redo posts, I started with this as the inspiration, then painted the cabinets white {that made a huge difference!} and used gift wrap as wallpaper. Next I added a bunch of favorite art to the long wall opposite the washer/dryer.  The final two steps were to hang the hand-me-down chandelier {originally from home depot, but given to me by my sister & brother-in-law} and install the shelves between the two cabinets.


    I am proud to say that every single upgrade done in this room was tackled by me. I probably could have had Ryan install the light and shelves, but I’m learning that sometimes it feels really good to try something new and gain confidence in my DIY abilities. Thankfully, I did not shock myself or drill unnecessary holes in the wall. And so far the light works and the shelves and their contents have not come tumbling down. Success.

    So would you like to see my new favorite room in our house? Be prepared for an onslaught of photos because I’m kinda proud of this space.






        laundry-chandelier-wm  open-shelves-in-laundry-room-to-store-supplies



     laundry-room-budgetNot too bad for a complete transformation for our laundry room.

    The best part is: I now love being in this space which will hopefully translate into loving the chore of laundry.

    sourcesrug: west elm
    chandelier: discontinued, here’s a similar one
    wallpaper: paper source
    wallpaper paste: amazon
    knobs: etsy
    cabinet & shelf paint color: du jour by valspar
    shelf brackets: ikea ekby stilig bracket
    shelves: home depot wood planks
    laundry hamper & striped basket: the container store
    butterfly poster: ikea

    52 thoughts on “the laundry room is finished”

    1. What a gorgeous laundry room! I think my laundry room is the least-decorated room in my house… You’ve got me thinking that maybe I should amp it up a bit! (My husband will be thrilled. Not.) Thanks for such an inspiring room! Love your style. And your blog!

    2. Wow! What a dramatic change! The laundry room can be a mini-sanctuary :)
      I love the chandelier and the Wash and Dry letters on the wall.

    3. This laundry room is to die for! the chandelier is outrageous! My favorite site for the remodeling projects in my home is Look in the Attic & Company. Replacing kitchen hardware is my next project, and they have so many choices!

    4. Great job Emily! I have a laundry nook, not even a room or walk in space. I keep trying to think of a plan for it…you have inspired me.

    5. You did an awesome job, Emily!! I love how you gave us all the details about your material sources, too. Thanks for inspiring all of us to try something new on our own. You should be very proud of yourself.

    6. Hi Emily! Love the room and thanks so much for the inspiration! Do you by chance know/remember where you got those small frames from that say “light” and “dark”? And perhaps where you got the item that you hang your iron on? Thanks!

    7. It turned out so beautiful!!!! I wish I had a larger laundry room in my home. Mine is pretty much a walkway to the garage from the family room and has very little space. Yours looks so inviting and bright!!


    8. I love this room. I have been in the ‘middle’ of redoing my laundry area for quite some time….mostly due to indecisiveness. You have done a fabulous job, and I am inspired to keep plugging along. I love your ideas!

    9. Love it! And thanks for including the material sources because I love the shelf brackets. I’m currently working on plans for my own laundry room. Great job!

    10. I am LOVING this room. are the hampers from The Container Store too? I couldn’t find them on the website, but I love them and have been looking for something to replace our cheapy and ugly plastic once for a while…

    11. I love how it all turned out! It is beautiful! I am curious if those are black and white striped towels on the shelving? I’m such a fan of stripes and would love to find towels like that if you don’t mind sharing! I’m so impressed that you did it all yourself! Such a great job!

    12. I never thought I would be jealous of someone’s laundry room. Ha! I think that makes me a grown up. Nicely done. I plan to copy some of your ideas!

    13. Looks great, Emily!! I’m a big fan of J.R. Watkins products! They are a staple in our house. Although I sometimes refill them with cheaper hand soap and just keep the cute bottles…shhh, don’t tell. ;) It’s a splurge when we get a new bottle!

    14. I am inspired! I have been gradually removing clutter from my utility/laundry room and my new roomy keeps stashing things on the metal shelves and I do not like it. I want a nice open, pretty space too when I do laundry. So, I will have to find my single piece to inspire my feel of the room and go from there, like you did. It would be nice to work on a place in my home and see beginning to end progress rather than messy progress after messy progress. ;-)

    15. Looks fantastic! Definitely inspired to spruce up my laundry area! Love the Watkins soap– they have the coolest labeling/packaging. Their powered laundry detergent is my longtime absolute fave. I have been an independent consultant with Watkins for several years because they have such a great history and product line. :)

    16. It is beautiful! I love your open shelves. We are about to move into a house with no laundry hanging space. Just curious where you will hang clothes that you hang to dry?

    17. Hi Emily-

      Great job on the laundry room! BEAUTIFUL! Can you tell me about your shelves? What size did you use (did HD have to cut them for you)? Also- how much space did you allow between shelves?

    18. Love the framed Lights and Darks. Can you tell us which font you used for those? I’d love to do the same thing in our laundry room. Love it all…beautiful space!

    19. THIS laundry room. Fantastic job!

      Also, just because I think this idea might delight you as much as it did me: my college roommate taught me a trick of using a toilet paper cardboard tube to corral the iron cord. Of course you could cover it in some pretty fabric or something to make it look nicer, but it’s a brilliant idea!

      1. We have a million of these canisters in our pantry that we bought a few years ago at IKEA. I’m not sure if they sell them anymore, but you could also try a restaurant supply store. I like that they have rubber seals around the lids to keep things fresh.

    20. I love it! It makes me want to rush home and redo our laundry room. I adore the jars that you put detergent and dryer sheets in {I’m assuming…?}.

    21. Terri in South Carolina

      My question is your “method” for planning a group of art, like you have created in your laundry room. Do you lay it all out on the floor? How do you balance what you choose for the collection? Any tips or tricks you can share?
      Thanks for sharing your home with readers in such an appealing & inspiring way. It is apparent you share it with “real-life people” in a very gracious & generous way also. :)

      1. I didn’t really have a method … I sort of laid out where the large items would go and then filled in with smaller. I’m not afraid of putting holes in the wall and believe me, there are a lot! I like gallery walls to still feel slightly symmetrical and balanced, so I just attempted to line up frames and keep things cohesive with color.

    22. Gorgeous! My favorite part is the chandelier: what a beautiful addition! Can’t wait to tackle my laundry room… If mine ever looks half as good as yours, I will be thrilled!

        1. “‘Chandelier’….that’s fancy for ‘light fixture’. So fancy in fact that I named my doll Marabelle Lavinia Chandlier.” – Fancy Nancy ;)

    23. BEAUTIFUL!!!!! you did an awesome job. we just have a laundry “closet” but now you have given me the itch to make it pretty! i love it! :)

    24. Absolutely love it! I’m inspired!

      I’m noticing you don’t have a laundry tub or sink in there. Same here. And I get by using a bucket to soak stuff or the bathtub. The only other real option is the kitchen sink but I try to avoid that. How do you manage?

      1. I wish we had a sink in here, but I actually don’t know what I would use it for. I’m not a very good stain-remover {my mom is appalled!} so I just spray stain stuff on clothes and throw them in the wash. If I have to soak something, the upstairs bathroom is just around the corner so I can use that one.

    25. What an amazing transformation, Emily. I love your new laundry room!! You did a great job for a minimal amount of money. The old chest of drawers, the light fixture, the shelves and the wallpaper on just one wall … perfect. The one thing I would have kept is the bar for hanging clothes on. I remove clothes from the dryer while still wet or damp so i don’t have to iron.

      1. I know … that is one thing missing but I couldn’t decide how to keep a hanging bar so I just let it go. I don’t hang a lot of clothes and when I do, I just bring them into my bathroom to hang on the shower door.

    26. Emily, it’s beautiful. I love the bright wallpaper and rug. The chandelier makes it so classy. Love those hampers too, I have those in my laundry room too. Great job and kudos to you for tackling the entire makeover by yourself!

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