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faking it

    Most women have that one item of makeup that they feel naked without.

    For some it is lipstick.

    Others, it’s powder.

    For me, I’m a mascara girl. No doubt about it.

    The other day I came home from having my eyelashes tinted darker {it didn’t work} with no trace of mascara on and after a few minutes of chatting with the boys, No. 1 said, “what’s wrong with your face? It looks like your eyes shrunk!”.Ā  Now if that doesn’t confirm my need for mascara, nothing will. Good grief, child. Someone needs to teach that boy what not to say to a makeup-less mommy!

    To his credit, my eyes look rather lost without my non-existent eyelashes. Actually, they are there – long and thick – but they are so light they seem to disappear.

    Enter lash extensions…

    My friend talked me into getting lash extensions with her before our trip to Hawaii. With lots of swimming planned and wanting to avoid that gooey waterproof mascara and the inevitable dark residue it leaves under my eyes, I was glad to give it a try.

    Lash extensions, if you have no idea what I’m talking about {don’t worry, I didn’t know such a thing existed until last month} are just like the individual false lashes you glue on from the beauty store, only better. They last three to four weeks and look much more natural. The lash lady glues a silk lash to each of your own lashes {about 50 per eye} while you lay with your eyes closed in pure bliss.Ā  An hour later you open your eyes to discover you no longer need mascara.


    One side done

    After. Without a lick of makeup.

    Sort of amazing, right?

    I know it is vain and unnecessary. But it simplifies my daily routine and makes me feel prettier.

    Sometimes faking it is worth it.

    A few notes about lash extensions:

    – you can not wear mascara with them

    – oil will release the bond of the glue so no moisturizer, sunscreen, oil-containing makeup products on your eyes

    – you can still use eye makeup – just powders and oil-free liners and shadows

    – side and face sleeping smooshes the lashes, so they recommend sleeping on your back. I find that impossible and so I sleep on my side and smoosh up my lashes and have to get them filled a little more regularly than someone who follows the sleeping recommendations.

    – Lashes have a natural cycle – they fall out and grow back every 4-6 weeks. The false lashes fall out with the real lashes and you need to have them ‘filled’ to maintain the look

    It’s not for everyone, but if you, too, are a mascara-girl, it may be worth a try!

    51 thoughts on “faking it”

    1. I’m a mascara girl too. I tried out the extension at the beginning of the year thinking it would be a one time thing…… holy crap! I fell in love with them! I’m officially addicted. And agree, at times I feel slightly vain for keeping them but I deserve them darn it! so I keep them. Plus, the hubs loves waking up to a lashed beaut in the mornings now instead of the raccoon face he used to :)

    2. They look amazing! I had them done for my wedding and I remember waking up the morning after and thinking how good I looked without any makeup. If I could afford it it would be totally worth it to get them done once a month. Are you going to keep them up? Plus, since you are a mascara girl it would totally simplify your daily routine.

    3. I found out what I feel naked without only after quietly reflecting on what it is I seem to buy all the time (like an addict)! Turns out, I’m a lipstick girl! Glosses, balms, lipsticks, you name it. I can find something I like that works really well for me and that still doesn’t stop me from stock piling others! It’s like I can never get enough lipsticks! :-P

    4. Oooh, I’ll have to look into getting these! I’m fair with light hair like you, and these look gorgeous! What a nice way to make your lashes stand out and simplify your morning routine at the same time :)

    5. As I am getting older I have noticed that my lower lashes have lost almost all color, and the upper lashes are beginning to lose their color. As to children’s remarks, my daughter told me years ago “Momma, put on some lipstick. You look dead.” I have thought of this many times before putting on my lipstick.

    6. I have had lash extensions done and while I did love not having to wear mascara and having long thick lashes mine did not fall off all naturally like they say they do (nor did my friends) – it costs $40+ to have them removed where I live but I was told baby oil would work, not so much. Trying to remove them did such damage to my lashes that they looked horrible for weeks until they grew. It was sad.
      They do look lovely but the do require maintenance.

      1. I live in Canada, so I’m thinking where I got them done might not help you. ;-) they cost $90, but were 1/2 price because of a groupon I had. Apparently they were $65+ for fills. :-(

    7. I love mascara too, I like maybellines BIG mascara in blackest black. I also think a little eyeliner goes a long way to define your eyes and make them pop. I don’t really mind spending the extra few minutes putting it on, I wouldn’t really spend $100 on fake eyelashes. But I think yours look really great. I’d rather spend $100 on some pretty dresses or jewelry or a massage- heaven! But for what it’s worth I’m totally jealous! Have a fabulous day!

    8. You look beautiful! I have the same love, and feel a little guilty having them but they are the best thing ever invented!
      Curious why you were told you can’t wear mascara? I have extensions and was given a specific type of mascara after my first set, I know that if you wear it all the time it will make them fall out faster.

      Also where do you go? I live in the kirkland area and currently travel over 30mins to get fills and pay $55 after tip?

    9. The honest truth is, if you were mascara everyday, then of course, everyone is going to notice when you don’t wear it. If you didn’t wear it every day, then your son would know what you look like without mascara.

      I only wear makeup when going out on the town or to meetings. Even then, I like to wear my makeup as if I’m wearing no makeup. Has anyone ever had a boyfriend who didn’t like them wearing makeup? Every guy I have ever dated has said no to makeup, so I’m glad that we are all in agreement! Plus, the less chemicals you put on your body, the better.

    10. Your lashes do look lovely! As a person with very small, light lashes as well, I found myself wondering if this is something I should consider, but dismissed it as too high maintenance when you explained having to get them filled in regularly. I had to chuckle as, only a half hour after receiving your blog email, I received a groupon for lash extensions! Hmmmmm…..

    11. Ok so am I the only one who thinks Emily looks like Julia Roberts in that last picture on this post? Seriously! Wish I could post a picture right next to it to compare! BEAUTIFUL!!

    12. Another good product to try is Underwear for Lashes from Origins. I have the same light lash problem (but they’re there!). My hubby has even asked if I’m going to put on mascara before! This product goes on under your mascara. Granted, that’s two applications, one for the base and the other for your mascara, but it works. I haven’t tried swimming with it on though.

    13. this is what I asked for christmas but didn’t get it. :) There is a mom at Elly’s school who has them and hers are VERY LONG and exotic and I love them! She gets hers done at style bar in puyallup and says they do the best job ever!! Hmmmm perhaps I may have to go get this done!!

    14. I just need to weigh in here about this. Beware of these extensions!! They can make your own eyelashes fall out and in some cases never come back. This happened to my daughter and after her experience I did some research and found this is NOT an uncommon occurrence!

    15. They look wonderful, and so much more natural than mascara! I wonder if they would work for me, though- I have really oily eyelids- mascara just slides right off. ~sigh~

    16. Nice. I, too, like mascara, but I dislike washing it off and the way it always flakes off and settles under my eyes by the end of the day. So I don’t wear it. Next time I see an eyelash extension Groupon, I just might give it a try!

    17. Thanks so much for sharing this info! I am a very fair blonde and have been wanting to do something like this – especially now that summer is here and we will be at the pool. You look fantastic!

    18. I suffer from really short eyelashes myself. I’ve tried stuff to “extend” my lashes, but to not much avail.

      I also would love to know a price point to look for, if you don’t mind sharing.

    19. Wow! Who knew? They look beautiful!

      If you do end up wanting a good waterproof mascara someday, I LOVE Maybelline’s FULL & SOFT waterproof. It looks like this –

      I wear it everyday (because I’m a cryer, haha! And you never know when you might need to be wearing waterproof!) It is amazing. I curl my lashes, put on a coat, brush my teeth, curl my lashes again, and put on one more coat. No clumps and no running mascara! I’ve used it for years in beauty pageants too and had girls ask me to borrow my eyelash glue (because they thought they were fake :) Just thought I’d throw out the suggestion in case you want to give it a try!

    20. I love lash extensions…i’ve only got the cheap kind the last couple times I was in a wedding but they do make me feel so much prettier and confident. I’d love to get the semi-permanent kind someday soon. yours looks amazing!

    21. Emily, You are SO adorable!! I just love that you post things like this along with all your wonderfully crafty ideas. You’re simply my favorite.
      I can’t help but share….Mary Kay is coming out (June 15 for most consultants) with an AMAZING Eye Brow and Lash Serum that lengthens your lashes and brows in super safe and cheap way! The serum is only $38, I have been using it for 3 weeks (I’m a director and have the product in advance) and I have already been getting compliments!! Find your local MK Consultant and check it out! (Or contact me, if you want.) :) No pressure, just had to share!! I LOVE BIG, WONDERFUL LASHES LIKE YOURS!

      1. Printables would be FANTASTIC! I always love the designs you have on phones! You should also look into selling decals with your designs as part of your store- they are super versatile and can be used and removed and reused under clear cases. :)

    22. Your lashed look amazing! I’ve been toying with the idea for a bit and have been pricing them out – the average out here in the Boston area is approx $250 for the intial visit and then $50 for a refill every 2 – 4 weeks. I’m hoping to find a salon a bit less expensive!

    23. I am a mascara girl too. Alas, lash extensions are not in the budget. I have a girlfriend who has this done regularly and it does look amazing.

    24. I had to laugh when I saw you with the lash extensions – Btw – they look fabulous – sure beats putting on fake eyelashes and having it drop in your glass of whatever your preferred beverage of the night is!!! They should have invented this decades ago!!! hahahaha! I have been a light blonde all my life so I can understand you….I should mention it to my daughter…she has no lashes too!!!

    25. I’m so glad that you posted on this! I’m planning to do this as a birthday gift to myself in July! I too am a mascara girl and get tired of it at times. I have dark lashes but they’re rather short and I just don’t feel right without mascara. So excited!

    26. Oh my gosh…lovely! I too have never heard of this!!! Me…with my tiny little, short, stubby, invisible lashes. I wouldn’t dream of going anywhere without mascara. You left out the answer to the BIG question. What does it initially cost and how much is the “refill” every few weeks?

    27. Whoa! They look amazing! I have secretly thought my mother-in-law had these.. now I’m pretty certain! You look lovely and I am totally with you on the mascara- definitely more important than lipstick!

    28. Well I had no idea about that! Nice to know. When you said, “You can’t wear mascara with them,” my questioning brain immediately thought, “Why not?” Guess you must have heard me because you immediately answered it in the next sentence! ha ha.They certainly make a big difference on you and would be such a good idea for the summer like you said for swimming and all.

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