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she’s two

    In January 2010, this blog was born. It had been around for a few months prior, but it really came to life right around the new year. I was very, very pregnant with No.4 – our first girl – and those first few posts often centered around her. Her nursery, her name, girlie projects and sharing the emotions all mommies go through at the end of their pregnancies {excitement for the new babe, nervousness about change, impatience with just wanting to be done}.

    The blog was started when she was growing inside me and in a weird way, I feel like she is what inspired it.Ā  For some reason, having a daughter awoke a greater sense of creativity in me that I wanted to share.Ā  I suddenly desired to expand beyond stationery design into sewing and crafting and creating as many flowers as I could figure out how to make.

    I love this little girl and all the ways she has changed our family … and especially me.

    Many of you have been here from the beginning. You remember those first posts, the frequent photos of our sweet newborn girl wearing yet another headband. You’ve heard stories about Audrey and watched her grow along side of us.

    Every once in a while I meet a reader while out running errands. The way they recognize me is almost always because they recognized Audrey first. That makes me smile.Ā  I like sharing her life here on the blog – someday she will protest, but for now she’s my little companion and muse and favorite spunky/sweet two-year-old and I just can’t resist sharing her with you.

    Audrey-girl turned two a few weeks ago, which means the blog did as well.Ā  They are both growing, changing, and bring me {and hopefully you!} such joy.

    I thank you for being a part of our lives. It has been the best two years.



    39 thoughts on “she’s two”

    1. It’s been ages (read months) since I have visited your beautiful blog!

      I found your blog in the very early days, before your darling no.4 poped into the world, when I had just moved cities, for the 4th time in as many years.

      I have loved watching not only your blog and business grow, but also your adorable family and your home in the last two years.

      As the Mother of two little girls (9 & 11yrs) I know how precious daughters are. Unfortunately I wasn’t meant to have little boys, but love my little girls with all my heart!

      Thanks for sharing her beautiful spirit with us!

    2. A wee bit late, but so glad to see this! Amazing how many blogs and posts are inspired by those little ones we love!

      She is darling – what a blessing!

    3. Love your blog. Just discovered it. Question: I see you use a Canon DSLR, but did you manipulate these photos at all in photoshop? It seems to have a soft color and tint (as well as lovely) so I was just wondering. Thanks!

    4. I was just looking to buy those adorable boots she is wearing. Happy Birthday to your precious little girl, mine is turning 3 in 2 weeks :-) (it goes by so fast!)

    5. Emily, I discovered your blog about a year and a half ago…the summer after Audrey was born. I must admit, I went back and read every post you’d written and I loved this beginning time when you were expecting her, your first girl. What a sweet time! Thanks for the reminder and letting us all be a part of it through the blog :)

    6. I have been following for a few months and your blog is becoming one of my favorites. Love it! I made your cousin memory game for our valentine party and it was a hit. Happy birthday to your sweet girl.

    7. Yes! I remember finding this blog in those early days! I was a new to being a stay at home mom. My son turns 2 tomorrow and and I remember thinking that we both had a child the same age.

      He, as well, awoke a creative side to me that I didn’t know I had!

      Thanks for sharing!

    8. Hi Emily! Happy birthday to beautiful audrey and your beautiful blog as well. Wynn turns 2 in a little over a week . . . where does the time go? May God continue to bless you, your family and your blog ministry richly!

    9. She is a d.o.l.l. Have you ever shared with us what camera you use? I just adore the jacket, too. Girls are the best — I am baised though, I have two!

      1. I use a Canon dslr. We bought it a few years ago at Costco and it came in a package deal with two lenses and a case. There is SO much for me to learn about how to actually use it, so for a beginner, it takes great photos!

    10. Happy Birthday to both of you!

      You know, I started my blog while very pregnant with my 4th baby as well. She is also 2.

      So much of who I am, what I’ve been able to do in my own little creative place, has to do with her and my life as mom to, now, 4 girls.

      Funny how God worked that out!

      And – I love your new look/design. I subscribe by email, so I had not “dropped” in lately. So pretty!

    11. Happy birthday princess Audrey & thank you Mrs Jones for taking the time out to write your blog ( and inspire me to start mine! ) I’ve been (shyly & silently) following you for almost a year now and you are a lovely person with a lovely family and a really great outlook on life ! Well done you !

    12. Happy Terrific 2’s to Audrey!! And Happy 2nd blog-anniversary to you. i just started following you a few months ago and really like this blog. Well done ;)

    13. Your blog is one of my favorites. It is artistic and inspiring. Perhaps more than anything I love the fact that you have 4 kids, close to the ages that my 4 are. Thank you for sharing your life with us!

    14. I have to tell you that one of your recent posts really stuck with me. The one in the sandwich shop with the ‘pink sweater lady’ and the comments she made. You shared your sensitivity to your boys hearing comments regarding birth order and anything but enthusiasm for each individual gift from God. I think I even commented that I believe I am sensitive enough to be aware of these things but I hope I have never been a pink sweater lady to anyone. It was a good reminder to all of us not to make hurtful comments to anyone regarding family size, sex of their children or anything to diminish their blessings.
      Friends of ours recently had a new baby. She is their fourth child and their fourth daughter. I tried to be sure that our comments and those of my husband’s were nothing but congratulatory and supportive and loving toward their new addition. It would be awfully hard to be a little girl growing up hearing comments like”ANOTHER girl!!!!!” or “FOUR weddings!” or anything that would diminish her specialness and uniqueness and her wanted-ness in this world. Thanks you for alerting us all to this and for sharing your sandwich shop moments, your hairbow moments, your loving-your-red-hair moments (cried when I saw Ashley’s head shaving video yesterday), your tutorials and your vulnerabilities.
      Your blog affects its readers and affects our lives and the way our homes look but also the way we move around in the world affecting other people in our world through our interactions. You are de-populating the world of ‘pink sweater ladies’ one post at a time.
      – a grateful reader

    15. i discovered your blog last year, i like it a lot for all the ideas, tutorials and thoughts you are sharing with us !!! Tanti auguri for your little girl and thank you for your blog !!!

    16. I discovered your blog probably a little over a year ago. I followed a link to your felt flower pin [that I have made numerous times over now as gifts]. Once I started reading older posts I felt such a connection because I had two boys and then a daughter. I started reading from the beginning of your blog and have continued to follow you. I feel exactly the same way, and you put it beautifully that your daughter inspires you to create. I took sewing in Jr. High and High School, but never had the desire again until I was expecting my daughter. I didn’t think I had a “crafty” bone in my body yet I found my self making head bands, sewing a comforter for her crib, making all sorts of cute dresses, embellishing, etc. I have so many things I want to make for her, and not enough time to do it all in. My daughter turned 2 in November so it’s fun to see you go through the same amazing stages with a little girl as I am. She really is my best friend, even though she is just 2 ;)

    17. Your blog was the first blog I ever followed and I wish I had found it sooner than I did. I found it while looking for a tutorial on making a birthday hat for my 1 year old daughter last August. The hat turned out perfect and so I understand your creativity desire being brought out by a baby girl. I am thankful for finding your blog as it has open a whole new world to me. I love the tutorials but espescially like those special and a-ha moments with your children you write about so well. I hope to one day be able to do what you are doing with your blog, but until then I enjoy the few minutes each day that I read and see your designs. Happy 2nd Birthday with many, many more to come!

    18. What a sweet post. I can really relate to how you feel. I started seriously writing after my daughter was born. I don’t know what it is exactly about her, but she inspires me so much and has helped me become the mom and person I’ve always wanted to be.

    19. What a beautiful post! Something your little girl can look back on to be reminded of how much her mommy loves her!

    20. I am so glad I discovered you and your blog. Your daughter has inspired you as has mine. It is always so fun to see your baby growing along side of you. She is a blessing, there is nothing like having a daughter. Enjoy every minute. Xo

    21. Oh my goodness, I can’t believe she’s already two! I’ve been following you for quite some time now, you’re definitely a favorite of mine. And, reading about your sweet little Audrey has always been a joy :)

    22. I discovered the blog world about a year ago, and found your blog not long after. The first thing I noticed is how detailed your tutorials were, and how amazing your house is decorated, but I also noticed your little munchkins. I have enjoyed seeing them grow thru your blog, so thank you for sharing. I hope Audrey had a marvelous 2nd birthday. She looks adorable as always.


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