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letting some things go

    It never fails … every year around this time I have a long list of ‘want to dos’ and very little time left to actually do them. The list is usually filled with good things: create meaningful gifts for teachers and neighbors, bake favorite christmas… Continue Reading…letting some things go

    beating a dead horse

      That’s a terrible title {where did the horrible saying even come from?}. But what I have to share today qualifies: it’s been said before. Over and over. And yet, maybe we all need to hear it again. // It’s not as pretty as it seems… Continue Reading…beating a dead horse

      34 things

        1. Today is my birthday 2. I’m 34 3. October 5th is a very common birthday {go back 10 months and you get New Year’s. Looks like some folks were doing more than kissing at the stroke of midnight}. 4. I always thought it was… Continue Reading…34 things


          loving: fresh cut hydrangeas from our yard. Especially these on my desk. reading: Beautiful Ruins by Jess Walter. Intriguing story, good pace, a little crass. Just finished The Kitchen House by Kathleen Grissom which is now my new favorite book. I could not put that… Continue Reading…currently

          on the hour

            It’s InstaFriday at life rearranged and this week I decided to play a little game. I was curious what my day actually looks like from hour to hour and so instead of sharing the past week with you, I thought I’d show you a day… Continue Reading…on the hour

            she’s two

              In January 2010, this blog was born. It had been around for a few months prior, but it really came to life right around the new year. I was very, very pregnant with No.4 – our first girl – and those first few posts often… Continue Reading…she’s two