Two weeks worth of what i wore … I think I like this system better than posting my outfits weekly. I get a little weirded out by seeing myself on the computer screen each week.
So, here is what I wore for the past two weeks:
1. ruffle sweater: targetĀ Ā jeans: hudsonĀ Ā necklace: allora handmade
2. shirt: targetĀ Ā scarf: nordstromĀ Ā jeans: seven flare
3. sweater, belt, shirt, jeans: targetĀ Ā boots: dswĀ necklace: a cool little shop in Seaside, FL
4. sweater: targetĀ Ā jeans: seven a pocketĀ Ā headband: audrey’s. I was hoping the big fluff on my head would distract from the breakout on my chin.
5. coat: nordstrom {old}Ā Ā shirt: gap {borrowed}Ā Ā jeans: seven a pocket
6. shirt: marshallsĀ Ā jeans: seven dojoĀ Ā necklace: old navy
7. shirt: marshalls – a real stretch for me!Ā Ā jeans: targetĀ Ā boots: dsw
8. shirt: marshallsĀ Ā jeans: targetĀ Ā boots: dswĀ {and a cute little matching boy who loves to grab my legs and never let go}
9. shirt & sweater: targetĀ Ā jeans: seven boot cut
10. sweatshirt: roxyĀ Ā jeans: seven dojo
11. sweater: targetĀ Ā ruffle shirt: walmart {wish I bought a bunch because I like this shirt}Ā Ā jeans: banana republic wide legĀ Ā ring: Poppy & Pearl Co.
cute new shoes on clearance at Target.
11 out of 11 days I wore jeans
5 out of 11 days I wore yellow
5 out of 11 days I wore gray
4 out of 11 days I wore blue {not counting jeans}
5 out of 11 days I wore stripes
8 out of 11 days something I have on is from Target
Those numbers say everything about my style {comfort + neutral + touch of color + a little bit of pattern + nothing so special it could get ruined by my munchkins}.
How about you … do you see trends in how you dress?
I really love these posts, because I love the casual, comfortable and nice look like you, jeans+stripes+grey+some nice colour and a touch of handmade style.
I adore your blog!!
(sorry for my awful English!) ; )
i love these posts. LOVE them. you have such cute style…and you motivated me to head to my nearest target to get that adorable yellow striped cardigan. i agree that yellow is just SO great this time of year…i’m in minnesota and things are very brown here as snow comes and goes! :)
keep up the style postsĆ¢ā¬āthey are fabulous.
Super cute stuff! Found your blog today, via pinterest, LOVING it all!!
Such cute stuff!! What I love about it most is that so much of it seems so interchangeable, which is precisely what I am just now learning to do! I don’t have kids, but I have Fibromyalgia (and some other stuff) so comfy, easy, and inexpensive is KEY.
Plus, like someone else said – the fact that you manage to get dressed every day is impressive, but that you have such cute outfits is ridiculous! =)
You wear some of the most adorable stuff!
I just wanted to say that you’ve inspired me to incorporate more yellow into my wardrobe this week! :) And I’m loving it!!!!
I’m catching up on my blog reading and just read your entry re: being a mother of four and then I read this entry. Let me say this, I am amazed by your self grooming! As a mother of just one child, I still feel lucky to take a shower, let alone put on make-up and a cute outfit. If I had four children, I’m fairly certain I would live in work out clothes (not that I actually work out, but they’re pretty comfy and one step up from pajamas) and a ponytail. Bravo to you for looking so cute!
Also, I’m sorry you had a run-in with the pink sweater lady. It seems so cliche to say that being a mother is the hardest job in the world – but it truly is. Although I don’t actually know you, I still have faith that you are doing a wonderful job raising your four children. Keep up the good (and sometimes very hard!) work!
I love your style, mainly because it looks so care free and casual. I too love jeans!! However I am not the greatest at putting pieces together. I love that you post pictures and also tell us where you bought them. Thanks to you, I added a splash of color to my wardrobe with the yellow shoes! Love them an they are so comfy!
You look amazing!! Beautiful inside and out!!
I love, love, love your style! I’m really loving the gray and yellow. :)
Love, Jazmyn♥
WOWZA….I MUST go to Target! Love them all…especially the clearance shoes!
I love love love Day 3! So chic!!
Love the striped shirt from Marshalls!
So cute! I heart yellow and gray, as well. I loved them so much they were my wedding colors!
Man I love outfit #11!! Those shoes with the striped sweater are precious!! Wonder if they have those shoes at my Target..hmmmm.
You mentioned your necklace from Seaside. Oh how I wish I was there now! Seaside is my idea of Heaven.
You always look so cute! I love your style!
The funny thing is I have a lot of the same shirts and sweaters! :-). I’d like to think I look half as cute and put together as you.
My trend is I wear jeans most every day. I’m liking yellow and lately I’ve noticed I wear it quite a bit.
Thanks for posting and giving me ideas!
Have a great week!
I LOVE when you do these posts! They inspire me and if I see something I love I can always run to Target! My fav shopping place too! :)
So funny story– Ryan and I laugh because for those of us who were California girls at APU, we knew who the northwest boys were because of their fleece vests and doc martins(this was late 90s, right?) :)— we knew the northwest girls by their cute sweaters! I remember you always had a cute sweater on. Still do!!! :). Here I am, now a northwest girl with more sweaters than tank tops! ;) Love, love #3!!
I think I have the same top from Day 8. It’s one of my favorites!
cute, love all the looks
what we can all learn from Emily: put the cash toward expensive jeans, layer appropriately, and everything will be okay.
I am also a big fan of stripes, blue, gray and target!!!
You always look adorable. I love he new yellow shoes.
Jealous of your outfits! So chic.
I love your style. All your outfits look great!! They are a great inspiration! I have eyeing the yellow striped Target sweater. I may be stopping by on my home today!
I know … but she updates her shop regularly. If you subscribe to her updates you can be the first to purchase when she makes the announcement.
Its two years old. Wish it was recent and I would get more!
Three cheers for jeans!! I live in them. Thankfully I can wear them to work, we call it “dressy jeans.”
Pretty sure we have almost the same style. Love all your outfits!! I do wear yoga pants sometimes though. ;-)
It’s so funny how your personal dress style completely matches the style that you have in decorating. Very tasteful and fun! Sad to see that the Allora necklaces are sold out in almost every color…..
I love how all of these outfits range from totally casual to a bit more styled AND they are all found at places that are easy on the budget. Great style doesn’t have to come from expensive brands! You go girl.
– Emma
These posts are so much FUN!! I think #10 and #11 are my favorites. I might need to add more stripes to my life!
Wow — great outfits. Love the yellow with gray!
Love the ruffel shirt on day 11. Did you get that recently? i LOVE that look!!!
love the belted red cardi! SO cute : )
You look great in those target skinnies! Outfit #3 is awesome!
You always look so cute and put together in a casual way. LOVE IT
I am really trying to stretch myself- more blouses, fewer t-shirts. More color- less black. More jewelry.
I usually try to avoid comments like this following one but I’ve got to say it: you are one of those people who actually looks smaller in skinny jeans! They look amazing on you!
#3, #6, #8 are my favorites! #3 is the best one on you, I think. Love your style- I see some trends that I will definitely copy this week! Thanks!
You look great and I love how you keep it real. ie: the bow and the breakout. You have great style and I love the way you use accessories to add your personal touch to basics.
you are THE cutest thing ever.
tell your kiddies that your friend in atlanta said that YOU are the cutest thing ever.
i mean really….
off to check out that ring!!
You always look great! I esp. love #’s 1,3,5,6 & 8.
I think your style is quite similar to mine, I wear jeans pretty much all the time and then tend to wear fairly plain t-shirts. I love the yellow shoes in the last photo!