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paper crowns {tutorial}

    A party hat is always a festive touch for a child’s birthday party. For Audrey’s fancy/crown/girly party, I made these paper crowns for the guests to wear. They were so simple to make and very cute on the little ones. Here’s what you’ll need: ::… Continue Reading…paper crowns {tutorial}


      loving: this valentine-y image reading: The Explicit Gospel by matt chandler for a new bible study with my girlfriends. waiting for: this weekend when a long-time friend comes to visit. She’s one of those friends who makes you die laughing one second and says something… Continue Reading…currently

      instagram highlights

        Just in case you’re dying to know {wink, wink} what we’ve been up to outside of the blog, instagram is a great place to find out.  I’m not great about using facebook, twitter is still over my head and this new video thing called vine?… Continue Reading…instagram highlights

        laundry room idea board

          Like most large households, ours produces a massive amount of laundry. And like most moms, doing that laundry is far from my favorite task. I have found in my limited research that most laundry-doers fall into one of these categories: 1. you are forced to… Continue Reading…laundry room idea board