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things i like

summer reading list

    I read a bunch last summer (here’s that list), and the summer before (see them here) and plan to do the same this year. I am a sporadic reader – sometimes going months without having a good book on my nightstand or ipad, and then… Continue Reading…summer reading list

    all the random things

      Every once in a while, I compile a list of things that don’t necessarily need their own post, but they are fun/entertaining/informative and worth sharing. So here I am, getting it all out. I actually kinda like these random posts – they feel like a… Continue Reading…all the random things

      favorites to follow

        Instagram is just so great. Little snippets of life and inspiration in photo form in perfectly digestible amounts. It’s for sure my go-to social media platform and even though I know there is not long-term value in looking at instagram photos (on my last days… Continue Reading…favorites to follow

        all the random things

          Every once in a while I have all these random things to share and even though they make no sense together, it’s a pretty accurate picture of what’s happening in my brain. Lots of jumbled ideas and current faves that maybe you can relate to… Continue Reading…all the random things

          all about fonts

            I never grow tired of discovering and trying out new fonts. Generally, I have my favorites that I use over and over, but sometimes playing with a new typeface can inspire a project and compliment an existing design in a fresh way. There is something… Continue Reading…all about fonts