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goals for the new year

    While perusing pinterest, I came across this fun fill-in-the-blank. Since goal setting does not come naturally to me, this prompt seemed like an easier way to reflect on little ways to make this new year a success. Here are my answers: BAD HABIT TO BREAK… Continue Reading…goals for the new year

    family photos 2014

      A few weeks ago, the super talented, very wise, fashionable, kind and sweetly southern Paige came for a visit and photographed our family. I’ve long admired her talent and was so thankful to have her capture our family just being us {a coordinated-outfit version of… Continue Reading…family photos 2014

      christmas house tour

        You know that book “if you give a mouse a cookie”? Cutest little picture book and fun story about the chain of events that happen when you give a mouse a cookie. That’s how I felt this year while decorating for Christmas. When you bring… Continue Reading…christmas house tour

        our new guest room

          You know what the best motivation for getting your house in order is? Hosting a guest. Because our family lives locally, we don’t often have sleep-over guests. But my friend Paige was coming to visit {and take our family photos – can’t wait to show… Continue Reading…our new guest room