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choosing new floors

    We’ve lived in our house for just over 8 years. It was new when we bought it, but too far along in the building process for us to make changes to fixtures, colors, finishes. One of the upgrades we would have made if given the choice would be to switch out the carpet on the main floor with hardwoods.

    (photo from summer house tour seen here)

    There are benefits to carpet – namely it’s softness – and it was great for when the babies were babies. But 8 years, four kids, a lot of walking back and forth on the same pathway and a puppy who was not the fastest potty-trainer later and the carpet is looking pretty dingy. We’ve wanted to replace it for forever and now we are finally ready to make the jump.

    I ordered a handful of samples last week just to try out a couple of different looks.

    floor-samplesContinue Reading…choosing new floors

    sources for hall, living, kitchen + extras

      Did you enjoy the week of fantastic home tours? Thoroughly inspired to bring a little fall into your home? We had dinner with my sister this weekend and she said she was inspired to finally take down her 4th of july stuff and replace it with leaves, pumpkins and cozy textures. Her house always looks great and I’m excited to see what she has done with it now.


      So let’s talk about some of the items seen in the second half of our house tour (first half, click here. And for sources, here.) Most of the furniture and accessories are not new which means they are not always still available for purchase, but I’ll share links where applicable.Continue Reading…sources for hall, living, kitchen + extras

      fall house tour: living, hall & kitchen


        Welcome to the second half of our fall house tour. We started last week with the front of the house: the entry, small bath, office, dining room and piano nook and today we’ll keep making our way through the main living areas.


        If you’re coming from DesignPostInteriors, welcome! A little about me: I love neutrals. Get ready for a house tour void of color, but full of texture. Also, you might not be able to tell from the photos, but we have four kids and a dog and things don’t always look so fluffed and tidy. I try, but in real life you’ll probably see remote control helicopters and lego ships on the coffee table and art supplies covering the kitchen table, random shoes littering the floor and dog toys everywhere you look. I like things picked up, but we also do life here and sometimes that looks a little messy. I’m guessing you can relate.  I love how our house looks in the photos and I do my best to keep things nice around here, but really what we’re going for is a home that is welcoming and grace-filled and warm.

        Okay, so let’s start the tour!Continue Reading…fall house tour: living, hall & kitchen

        how to hang platters on the wall


          Do you watch Fixer Upper on HGTV with the darling Chip and Joanna Gaines? It’s our favorite. Ryan and I don’t watch much tv together (I don’t know, something about project runway just doesn’t capture his attention like it does mine), but we love being inspired by the makeovers done to the houses on this show. If you haven’t seen it yet, oh my, you should. So good. Or maybe not because it will make you want to buy the worst falling-down house and make it wonderful.

          Anyway … you’re probably wondering what Fixer Upper has to do with hanging silver plates on the wall? Well miss Joanna (who has fabulous style) always hangs something unconventional or dimensional on the walls of the homes she styles. Now she goes more country/rustic than I do in our house (think chippy gates, architectural salvage, child-sized chairs) but hanging vintage silver platters on the wall in our dining room is in line with her dimension/unconventional wall concept.


          It’s interesting and personal and neutral.

          Oh, and super easy to do.Continue Reading…how to hang platters on the wall

          sources for entry, office, bath & dining room

            The first half of the fall tour was fun, right? I loved pulling my house together and giving it a fall look (if you missed the tour, you can see it here). There were many questions about sources for items shown and I’m all about sharing!


            Not that you are going to go out and purchase everything you see here, but hopefully it helps show what can be done without spending tons and tons on furniture and accessories.  For the fall tour, I mainly shopped my house – rearranging furniture, moving around accessories, pulling out a few fall decorations I keep stored. Like I said on the house tour, I recently quieted the house and striped it of all of it’s ‘stuff’. It was the best thing for me! I actually had a semi-difficult time putting things back out because it was just so nice to have clean surfaces, bookshelves, walls. But it was time to put things back together and I like the more edited version of our house this time around. I’m sure things will change (as they always seem to do around here), but for now, this arrangement suits us.Continue Reading…sources for entry, office, bath & dining room

            fall house tour

              Fall is my favorite. Truly it is. So naturally, I like a cozy decorated-for-fall home. This year, I am just coming off of quieting the house and it felt really good. When putting accessories back in to each room, I was really selective and picky – nothing made it back that is not practical, pretty or meaningful.

              It was a mad dash to get the house photo-ready, but I made it (just barely!).


              I’m so pleased to be joining an insanely-talented group of bloggers on the Finding Fall Home Tour. You can start at the beginning here and I’ll link below to the next stop. If you are coming from Rhoda’s lovely tour, welcome!


              Today I’d love to show you the front of our house (the entry, half bath, my office and the dining room). Next week, we’ll continue the tour with the living room and kitchen (I’ll give you a few sneak peeks of those rooms today because I’m terrible at waiting). As you will see from the photos, I’m slightly addicted to neutrals and try to keep things interesting by adding a ton of texture. Pattern, sheen, metal, varying wood tones – all of these elements are the base of how I love to decorate.

              Shall we begin?! Welcome to our home …Continue Reading…fall house tour

              First of Fall

                Happy September 1st!

                I’ll be honest … I’m not as ready for fall as I usually am. This summer has been great and I’m still hanging on to the last threads. The kids go back to school in a few days and so I fully expect that by the end of the week I’ll be back to my normal autumn-loving self – lighting candles and pulling out my favorite fall sweaters and craving hot tea.

                Last year I painted this cute Autumn Essentials watercolor print and just looking at it reminds me how wonderful this next season is.

                autumn-essentials printable free-download

                Slippers. The sound of rain. Changing leaves. Tall boots. Cozy, warm colors and pumpkin pie.Continue Reading…First of Fall

                quieting the house

                  I couldn’t take it any longer.

                  There was just too much stuff cluttering up the visual space in our home. I’m in a weird spot in my emotional life – deeply craving light and calm, direction and needing a deep exhale – and it has translated into this crazy lady pulling off and packing up every accessory just to let the house (and me) breathe a little.


                  My friend Myquellyn calls it Quieting The House.  By removing all of the stuff (the accessories, pillows, picture frames, cute things!) it reduces visual distractions, clutter and loudness that I just need gone right now. I’m an accessory lover, but sometimes it gets out of control and quieting the house becomes necessary to help figure out what I like, what is just there for the sake of being there, what works, what doesn’t and why I insist on putting so many pillows on the couch.

                  So this past weekend, I shushed the house. Mostly just the living room and entry/hallways. The kitchen is next.Continue Reading…quieting the house

                  summer house tour

                    Welcome! I’m happy you stopped by! Today I’m joining up with Gina from The Shabby Creek Cottage and her Summer Tour of Homes. Over the last few days I have transitioned our home’s decor to be a bit more summery. What this basically means is… Continue Reading…summer house tour