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a love note to our house

    This week we celebrate our wedding anniversary.  I was going to write a mushy blog-post-love-note to my amazingly talented, handsome, smart, funny, wise husband for all to see, but instead decided he’d probably rather not the world know how thankful I am to be more… Continue Reading…a love note to our house

    pillow talk

      Confession: I have a pillow addiction. This is not even all of them. I have matching pairs for a handful of the ones shown and several more that just didn’t make the photo. It could be considered a problem. But here’s the thing: for a… Continue Reading…pillow talk

      displaying jewelry

         I was just having a conversation with my darling sister-in-law about how to navigate looking stylish when you don’t have a clue what stylish is. My best tip: throw on a piece of colorful, chunky jewelry. I’m not really sure if that qualifies as stylish,… Continue Reading…displaying jewelry