break the rules: six white pieces to wear this fall
This is the outfit I wore yesterday:
It’s still warm outside (in the low 70’s) and so I’m still dressing summery-ish with short sleeves and cropped jeans and flats. The white shirt I put on (a cute hand-me-down from my sister – originally from jcrew) got me thinking about how it was supposed to be the final day of wearing white until spring. You know the old rule: no white after Labor Day. So I did a few seconds of research and discovered that it was a fashion tradition stemmed from class divisions in the early 1900’s (here’s a quick article from time magazine).
Turns out, rules are meant to be broken (especially silly ones like this) and while white linen and gauzy silk may not be the best choices for cooler weather, wearing white during the fall and winter is not only okay, it’s also very stylish.Continue Reading…break the rules: six white pieces to wear this fall