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how to make playdough

    Playdough is one activity that keeps my kids busy for hours {okay, fine, minutes}. But it does hold their attention for longer than many activities and I actually enjoy playing it with them. Every month or so we make a new batch of fresh playdough… Continue Reading…how to make playdough

    snippets of life with instagram

      Instagram has me hooked. I like it even more than facebook.

      You choose who you’d like to follow, then get to see their lives through images. It’s a polite version of voyeurism. I’m a reality tv girl, so it is completely up my alley.

      My favorites are photos with witty captions. Jami Nato is the absolute best at that. You should follow her.

      I was talking to my friend about it this weekend and she thought instagram was just a fancy camera app. Not True! Well, it is, but there’s more. You take a photo, use a cool filter to make it look all artistic and post it to your feed. Add a caption if you’d like {please do – that makes it more fun}. Then those following you can view your photo and leave a comment.

      We probably have enough status updates with facebook and twitter, but if you are a visual type, instagram might capture you like it has me.

      Geesh. Can you tell I’m infatuated?

      Since we’re talking about instagram, I thought I’d share some snapshots from the past two weeks taken with my phone {with captions underneath, of course}.

      Have a peek into my life:

      First little ballet shoes. Be still my heart.

      The most adorable quilt made by my sister’s mother-in-law for her new baby boy due in just a few weeks. Isn’t it beautiful?

      Continue Reading…snippets of life with instagram

      faking it

        Most women have that one item of makeup that they feel naked without.

        For some it is lipstick.

        Others, it’s powder.

        For me, I’m a mascara girl. No doubt about it.

        The other day I came home from having my eyelashes tinted darker {it didn’t work} with no trace of mascara on and after a few minutes of chatting with the boys, No. 1 said, “what’s wrong with your face? It looks like your eyes shrunk!”.  Now if that doesn’t confirm my need for mascara, nothing will. Good grief, child. Someone needs to teach that boy what not to say to a makeup-less mommy!

        To his credit, my eyes look rather lost without my non-existent eyelashes. Actually, they are there – long and thick – but they are so light they seem to disappear.

        Enter lash extensions…

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        my favorite way to wrap a gift

          A beautifully wrapped gift is always a pleasure to give and makes the recipient feel extra special.

          I’ve noticed an influx of gift bags lately at parties and showers and I understand why … it takes extra time and the right supplies to wrap a gift the traditional way with paper and ribbon.  A gift bag makes it so easy.

          But I can assure you, this wrapping method is just as easy as those gift bags and costs just a few dollars.

          It is my favorite way to wrap clothes, stuffed animals, a small stack of books – anything smallish and odd shaped.

          Here’s what you’ll need:

          :: gift

          :: tissue paper {two large sheets}

          :: roll of cellophane

          :: scissors, tape

          :: ribbon, stickers or gift tag for embellishing

          STEP ONE: layer two pieces of tissue paper {this will make it less see-through} on top of cellophane. Cut cellophane slightly larger than tissue.

          Continue Reading…my favorite way to wrap a gift

          on the hour

            It’s InstaFriday at life rearranged and this week I decided to play a little game. I was curious what my day actually looks like from hour to hour and so instead of sharing the past week with you, I thought I’d show you a day… Continue Reading…on the hour