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painted house numbers

    This is what our front door looked like Saturday morning: and a few hours later: The sun was out, the kids were happily bouncing on the neighbors’ trampoline and I had the itch for a quick project. So I painted house numbers on our front… Continue Reading…painted house numbers

    what i wish i wore

      It’s What I Wore Wednesday at The Pleated Poppy today. Have you seen how many ladies are linking up with Lindsey these days? My goodness, this WIWW thing is big. I was on a roll for the past few months with photographing my outfits, but… Continue Reading…what i wish i wore

      a wall of L’s

        We have this random nook between the dining room and the staircase that fits our piano perfectly. The wall above the piano is one of the first things you see when you walk into our home, so while I want it to make a statement,… Continue Reading…a wall of L’s

        she’s two

          In January 2010, this blog was born. It had been around for a few months prior, but it really came to life right around the new year. I was very, very pregnant with No.4 – our first girl – and those first few posts often… Continue Reading…she’s two

          a touch of yellow

            Each season, a certain color seems to be just the right fit. Right now, that color is yellow. At least for me. Yellow shoes. Yellow rainboots. A new yellow wallet {this one, but in yellow}. And lots of pops of the cheerful color around the… Continue Reading…a touch of yellow