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a problem spot

    I have a problem. It is not particularly big or of great importance, but it has bothered me for, oh, six years now. Here it is: What were our builders thinking putting all of these switches, thermostats, outlets on one wall with such random placement?… Continue Reading…a problem spot

    to London we go

      I can hardly contain my excitement for the 2012 Olympic Games in London. {via} First of all, the events are exciting and captivating and so much fun to watch. It doesn’t even matter if you’ve never heard of the sport – if its an olympic… Continue Reading…to London we go


        loving: fresh cut hydrangeas from our yard. Especially these on my desk. reading: Beautiful Ruins by Jess Walter. Intriguing story, good pace, a little crass. Just finished The Kitchen House by Kathleen Grissom which is now my new favorite book. I could not put that… Continue Reading…currently

        we’re making crepes

          Saturday morning breakfasts are a tradition in our household and our most favorite of all breakfast treats are crepes {or swedish pancakes}. Thin, buttery and easy to make. FYI: I just looked up the difference between crepes and swedish pancakes and it turns out there… Continue Reading…we’re making crepes

          things I like: ferns

            I have a slight love affair with ferns.  Their bright, fresh color, delicate texture, slightly wild arms going every which way … they add just the right feel to my otherwise neutral rooms. {in my office} {on the front porch} {in the kitchen} {in my… Continue Reading…things I like: ferns

            5 books worth reading

              Summer reading is in full swing, but sometimes its hard to find a good one. Here are five of my most recent reads, all of them a different genre and all excellent in their own way. 1. Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand Perhaps the most captivating… Continue Reading…5 books worth reading