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matchy, matchy

    I’m not sure if this happens to you, but I find that most days Audrey and I end up wearing matching outfits. Well, maybe not matching but definitely coordinating.  I suppose it makes sense as I am the dresser of both of us as well… Continue Reading…matchy, matchy


      This past weekend I took a whirlwind vacation to the gulf coast. My college girls like to get together once a year, trading off between where each of us currently live. This year one of our friends has just moved to Niceville, Florida {yes, it… Continue Reading…florida

      I’m having my cake

        Today is my birthday. And according to Wikipedia, it is the birthday of 698,999 other Americans too. October 5th {the most common birthdate} happens to fall 40 weeks after New Years Eve, so I guess it makes sense that all that lovin’ on New Years… Continue Reading…I’m having my cake

        my weekend project

          So we’ve moved a few things around in the house {no surprise there}. Among the objects that have been moved is this desk that will now reside in my office. We made it a few years ago and it has never been finished {another big… Continue Reading…my weekend project

          if the shoe fits

            When I was pregnant with Audrey and in I-can’t-believe-I-get-to-shop-for-girl-things-this-time mode, I came across the most beautiful shoes I’ve ever seen. I mentioned them here and here and wanted to share them once again. They are that amazing. This company started when Jessica, the founder and… Continue Reading…if the shoe fits

            school lunches

              The first day of school is in just a few days, which means earlier mornings, the school bus and packing lunches. I don’t know what it is, but by week two, I run out of creative ideas for the lunchbox. #1 ate pb&j, baby carrots,… Continue Reading…school lunches

              watercolor silhouettes

                It is no secret that I like silhouettes. They are graphic, they are old-fashioned and sentimental. Last weekend I pulled down the bird collage above the piano, decided not to paint piano and instead painted the wall behind it. Then I needed something to fill… Continue Reading…watercolor silhouettes

                kevin’s salsa

                  My uncle Kevin was a chef for much of his adulthood. He specialized in things like gran marnier injected chocolate-dipped strawberries {pure heaven} and the best parmesan chicken you’ve ever tasted. But his most beloved recipe of all {at least in our family} is his… Continue Reading…kevin’s salsa